About Us
The Department of History, Geography and Philosophy is based on interdisciplinary and innovative courses in the Liberal Arts. Our different fields of studies provide our students a variety of skills to pursue their training and careers. You can find in our department a variety of profiles, tracks, and concentration that suit your expectation and help open new doors. The faculty of the Department of History, Geography and Philosophy is one of the most dynamic and engaging on campus. Each semester we offer a range of compelling and thoughtful courses and projects. Visit our undergraduate programs for history, geography, and philosophy. We also have an outstanding graduate program for history and public history. We have 24 full-time faculty members and over 30 graduate history students.
The Department is also home to an award winning chapter of Phi Alpha Theta the History Honor Society. Members, and those who just want to be more involved, are afforded ample opportunity to participate in educational, social, recreational, and service projects through this group.