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Two Months, Two Publications for Dr. Skilton

Congratulations to Dr. Liz Skilton, associate professor of history and associate director of research at the Kathleen Babineaux Blanco Public Policy Center for not one, but two, recent publications.

Dr. Skilton served as lead author of “Watching It Wash Away, Watching It Grow: Evaluating Community Perspectives on Long-Term Coastal Restoration Projects in Louisiana,” which appeared in the December 2024 volume of Coastal Management. Co-authors on the piece include Anna C. Osland and Chenhan Shao of the Blanco Center, and former History M.A. students Emma Willis, Kaiser Reed, Benjamin Vidrine, and Thanh Vo.

The second article, “Did It Work? Shifting Strategies for How We Assess Benefits to Communities from Long-Term Coastal Restoration Projects,” appeared in January in Estuaries and Coasts. Skilton co-authored the piece with Osland and Shao.