All graduate students must take Historiography (HIST 590) and the Graduate Research and Writing Seminar (HIST 505). The remainder of students’ coursework varies according to their chosen field of study and thesis track.
Thesis Option
The thesis option is recommended for students who plan to continue their graduate study beyond the master’s degree. It requires:
- 24 semester hours of graduate coursework in two fields of study
- a formal written thesis for which 6 hours of graduate credit are awarded
- completion of comprehensive written and oral examinations in their major and minor fields of study
- defense of the thesis before a committee of departmental faculty members
Non-Thesis Option
The non-thesis option requires:
- 33 semester hours of graduate coursework, including 12 hours of public history courses and 9 hours of courses in a minor field of study
- comprehensive written and oral examinations in their major and minor fields of study